It’s been a while, but we’re back! After years of silence, the renewed Salvation resumes its activities and releases “Whilst Roots Decay”, a brand new song featuring our new guitarist Tomer, new bassist Ori and new lead vocalist Tal. Produced […]
It’s been a while, but we’re back! After years of silence, the renewed Salvation resumes its activities and releases “Whilst Roots Decay”, a brand new song featuring our new guitarist Tomer, new bassist Ori and new lead vocalist Tal. Produced […]
Status updade: well, we are just about done with the mixing and mastering process! just a few little final touches left! In the meantime, we’re beginning to cook up the whole distribution layup and merchandise, hoping to give you all the […]
During this whole process of awakening from a long slumber, we’re shedding or old skin and forming a new shape. With the new album done, the new lineup final done and kicking ass, a few gigs in our pockets and […]
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